
Monday, August 27, 2012

Blue Jean Baby

This weekend was - in a word - FAN-F*#$ING-TABULOUS.  So grab your coffee, lean back, kick your feet up, and listen.  Because I wanna tell you aaaaalllll about it.

Size FOUR. 
First up - didn't workout once.  Sorry...didn't mean to make you spit out your coffee in shock.  But it's true!  Normally, not a reason for fantabulousness.  And I should rectify that statement by saying I had no formal workout.  I did, however, walk my lil' butt off.  Literally.  As Hubby and I perused the Gettysburg Outlets, I walked that lil' butt right into a pair of size four jeans.  I never thought these hips or quads would see the day!  But I was walking right out of the 6's I had on, so I figured I'd make the attempt.  Left the store with spankin' new skinny jeans AND trousers.  BOTH 4's.  And all this after a month of that nasty scale not budging.  So once again, I am proven RIGHT.  Screw the scale!  Use the jeans!

And now I'm extra energized for my back-to-back workouts today (Insanity and an easy run).  My legs feel strong, my lungs feel ready, and my enthusiasm is obnoxiously high.  Sometimes, I need a break to remind me just how much I love what I do.

Mine at last!
Second - Hubby surprised me with a chinup bar AND Selectech dumbbells!!!! Now, of course we left on our mini-vacay before I had the chance to use either piece of equipment.  And of course nothing in my training currently necessitates either piece of equipment.  But I cannot keep my sweaty paws off of 'em so I see a lifting session in my very near future (translation: Babe's naptime).  I've been dreaming lustily of this since I helped Hubby carry the weights inside on Friday.  Today, my dreams reach fruition.  *blissfulsigh*

Third - I discovered our favorite restaurant in Gettysburg (Gettysburg Eddie's) has added a vegetarian menu!  I was not relegated to pale lettuce leaves and lemon water!  Instead, I feasted on portabella, roasted red peppers, and an incredibly vibrant salad.  My drool is making the keyboard kind of slippery...My only regret nutrition-wise while we were out and about?  Nary a blender in sight so no Shakeology for TWO DAYS!  And I forgot to take my vitamins along, so I was feeling mildly sluggish by the time we returned to the M&M Estate last evening.  Today, however, all is good and back on track.  Shakeology has been consumed and Mama is on the verge of a workout.  Things are back to healthy!

Last (but not nearly least) - I handed out copies of my book to my sisters and my mom.  Autographed and everything!  There's something about a book that just feels good in my soul.  Those are my words and my ideas between those covers...and that's my name on the front cover.  My bucket list would be shorter if I wasn't constantly adding new goals to replace those accomplished.

It's good for your FitLife AND your soul.
Great weekend.  But it's over...and now we're movin' into a new week, a new school year, and a new challenge group.  Just because I've had an awesome three days, don't expect me to slow down and become a slug.  I've got plenty of awesome to keep going.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Can I Get A WootWoot?

Let's take a moment to truly appreciate just how far I have come, shall we?  A moment to reflect on the changes and triumphs of the last year, a nod to my goals reached and accomplishments made.  Because, well..freakin' BOOYAH, BABY!  I've busted out of so many ruts the path ahead is all smooth now.

Last summer, I was wearing a body covering black bathing suit (we all know the benefits of black), the skirt very thoughtfully covering my thighs.  This summer?  BAM.  That's a leopard print bikini, and it's one of FOUR bikinis I sported all summer long.  I have actual abs now and I really want everyone to get a good look at 'em.  On particularly good days, I find myself looking for an excuse to run errands in workout gear so strangers can be motivated by my gloriousness as well. 

Last summer, I started running and completed my first half marathon, donned in a long running skirt and tank top.  This summer, I emerged from a winter of beastly training and ran my first full marathon, donned in a sports bra and mini running skirt.  This summer, I completed my first Spartan Race and jumped over fire.   Last summer, I used walk/run intervals to train for my race. This summer, I am simply running as I train for the Runner's World Half Marathon and Festival.  (You may want to put on some sunglasses; my awesomeness is getting kinda blinding.)

Last summer, I was smack in the middle of TurboFire and it was the hardest workout I had ever managed to do.  This summer, I'm smack in the middle of Insanity and it IS the hardest workout I have ever done.  But I'm doing it and getting in even BETTER shape.  Traffic may stop by the time next summer rolls around...

Last summer, I was just beginning my road to a FitLife.  This summer, I am firmly entrenched and helping others as they begin wading in the SweatItOut pool.  I am running challenge groups, maintaining a business, and self-publishing a book.  I am on the road to certifications so I can get back to personal training and instructing.  I am headed towards even greater heights of awesomeness.  And the good news is - I'm taking YOU with me. 

All you gotta do is decide, commit, and succeed.  Three simple words.  The first two can be rough...but that last one is so terrifically sweet.  Trust me.  I know from personal experience.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

To The Max

After a simply lovely recovery week with Insanity, I entered month two feeling strong and relaxed.  For about 30 seconds.  My intense love of Shaun T nearly spiraled into a dark hatred, that spiral being full of curses, tears, and copious amounts of salty sweat.  Then I remembered, oh right...It was I that chose to do this.  I'm doing this to myself.

And I dug deeper.

It sucked big balls, I ain't gonna lie.  I hurt.  I did not feel strong or badass or powerful.  I felt like the last kid picked for dodge ball and I wanted to curl into a little ball with some mint chocolate chip ice cream and watch Designing Women reruns.  But I didn't.  I stood tall when I could muster the strength to do so and pushed right through that workout.  And once it was over, it didn't seem so bad.

Then today, I did the next one.  SWEET MOTHER OF GOD.  I must continually remind myself that this feeling right here, this is what week one felt like.  And then week two was better.  Never easier, mind you.  Never easier, just better.  You will only understand if you are also doing or have done an intense workout - Insanity, CrossFit, TapOutX, or the like.  (And yes, I want to try the other two as well.)

Now, I get those last few paragraphs are not exactly what we in the biz call "selling points."  So let me show you some of the "pros." 

1.  I am stronger than I have ever been.  I did freakin' BALANCE PUSHUPS today.  Ten of 'em. 

2.  I am in the best cardio shape I have been in.  Running is pretty easy now, and I'm faster too.  Popped in TurboFire Fire 55 EZ the other day - still a great and fun workout, still love it - BUT...not the absolute killer it used to me.  Not even with my weighted gloves. 

3.  I am getting clear cut results.  As in, my muscles are cutting through my skin.  My arms, when relaxed, now look the way they used to look flexed.  Take that, First Lady Obama.

4.  I just plain feel great.  I take a lot of pride in completing these workouts and doing more and more of them every week.  It's the toughest thing I've set out to do thus far and I'm doing it.  That kinda spills over into non-workout life as well.  More steps have been taken towards teaching and training.  I self-published my first collection of posts from this lil' ol' blog.  My business is growing steadily.  Because my body is functioning better, my head is clearer, I have more energy and drive and focus...if you can believe that it was possible to have more.

I'm not saying Insanity is the program for everybody.  But I bet it is the program for more than you think.  That's right - YOU.  What are YOU doing today?  Wanna get crazy with me?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Yesterday You Said Tomorrow

"Tomorrow is another day." - Scarlett O'Hara
"The sun'll come out tomorrow." - Annie
“Tomorrow you promise yourself will be different, yet tomorrow is too often a repetition of today.” 
- James T. McCay

Tomorrow.  I hear that word so frequently it's nearly lost all meaning.  When I actually use it, it's a word full of anticipation.  Here are a few examples:

Tomorrow, I am expecting copies of my book to arrive.
Tomorrow, my order of Brazil Butt Lift will be one day closer.
Tomorrow, I have a long run scheduled outside.

See how fabulous tomorrow can be - if you're actually going to utilize the day?  Too often, people use tomorrow as an excuse to make today lackluster.  As though promising a workout tomorrow makes them healthier today.  Guess what?  It doesn't work that way.  The results that you're looking for only actual occur if you DO THE WORK. 

And yes, I get that it's not all fun and games in the beginning.  The beginning is HARD.  The beginning is TOUGH.  It's all about the front of the mullet - business.  But if you wanna get that party in the back, ya gotta work through it.  And trust me - there is a party in the back.  And it's fun, and it's filled with fantabulously gorgeous people, and it's where all the cool kids are hanging out - and living longer, fuller lives.  Because, seriously - you can't live your life to the fullest if you're dragging around even 20 extra pounds.  You can't live life to the fullest if you're thin but have no strength.  When walking up the stairs is enough to take your breath away, that's not the best you can do.  If you're tired after carting the groceries in from the car, that's not the best you can do.  It's the bare minimum, and you'll get far fewer years out of the bare minimum. 

Hard truth: if you're inactive and scarfing grease-covered potatoes, you are doing yourself and your body an injustice.  This isn't about being thin or looking a certain way.  This is about your HEALTH.  I don't care if you're skinny or if you're fat - if you're not taking care of your body, you're at risk for a whole list of nasty, icky stuff.  And if you're a parent - shame on you.  What do you want for your kids?  Would you hand your child a cigarette?  Alcohol?  Poison?  Then WHY for the love all that is holy would you stuff 'em full of chemicals, dyes, and hormones???? 

And before you roll your eyes and call me a "health nut"...I get the need for treats.  I get the need for a day off now and again.  It's all about moderation, but come on.  Moderation does not mean eating something unhealthful on a daily basis.  It's not having a side salad followed by fried chicken and gravy.  It's about recognizing how much good stuff is required to outweigh the bad stuff.  It's more than you want to deal with, I'm sure...but too freakin' bad.

Now, let's have a fun truth: If you start today and keep at it for just three weeks, it becomes a habit.  Stick with it another three weeks, and it becomes a lifestyle.  You stop exercising because you have to and start sweatin' because you want to.  You stop craving chocolate and start craving vegetables.  You stop being tired and start feeling energetic.  You will participate in life in ways you never contemplated or even realized you weren't participating before.  That's right about the time you send me a message on Facebook, or email me, or text me - and say "Hey, thanks! I am kicking ass like nobody's business! You were right about all that healthy shit!"  And I humbly give you all the credit (because it was YOU who did the work, after all) and tell you to KEEP GOING. 

Because even if you've taken care of today, tomorrow is still all like "What about me ova heah?"  (Tomorrow has a New York accent, just in case you were wondering.)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Yearn to Learn

I'm teacher AND student - so I get the apple.

I am always learning, and my favorite things to learn are things about - you guessed it - myself.  Here is what I'm learning this week:

1. Insanity has kicked my cardio capabilities into another hemisphere.  I began training for my half-marathon/5k/10k combo scheduled for October, and - miracle of miracles - I no longer need those pesky walking intervals.  I can just run.  Now, I may add in the the walks when I increase my time and mileage simply for fear of injury - but they'll be few and far between (and weeded out as soon as possible), but for right now, my sports bra is near bustin' with pride.  (It has very little else to bust with these days.)

2.  My heart rate may get all kinds o' jacked up while pushing through Insanity or a speedy run interval, but it drops right back down the way a healthy person's would.  I no longer need long cooldowns to return my heart rate to its resting rate; it gets there lickity split all on its own.  Stop yammering!  I still cool down and stretch because I like it and it's good for my pretty muscles.  I'm just sayin' that before, I would still be huffin' and puffin' like the Big Bad Wolf after some bacon.  Now, I'm just as serene as the brick-layin' pig.  (But much leaner.)

Mine is working just dandy, thanks.
3.  I can make my goals happen all on my own, even if they aren't fitness-related.  I wanted to be an author; yesterday I made it so.  Thank you to and their helpful step-by-step into the world of self-publishing.  Now, you can take me to bed with you!  I will post links to buy the physical copy of SweatItOut: My Journey From CouchSpud to FitGal as soon as everything is a go.  For now, you can find me on Kindle by searching "SweatItOut." 

4.  My love of fitness is spreading, and it's spreading because of me.  The Werewolf is doing yoga all on his own and loving it.  He's namaste-in' with Rodney Yee two or three times a week and becoming more and more intent on maintaining his focus - so "please be QUIET, Mom and Sissy."  This makes me incredibly happy and even bustier with pride (well, maybe not bustier, but a gal can always dream).  This weekend we will be shopping for yoga supplies so he can try out some backbends.

The Werewolf's yoga partner
5.  Exercise is the key component to my productivity.  Days that I don't work out, I don't do much else either.  I allow myself to slump in front of the computer, the television, my iPhone.  My energy piques around 1:00 pm.  I begin getting cranky around 4:00.  Days that I do work out, my chores are done by noon, I'm chipper and ready to get outta the house by 1:00, and the kids typically follow by 2:00.  (I wait for them, of matter how tempted I may be for a solo trip.)  Nutrition - the same!  When I take my supplements (added in a B-Complex to support my Iron) and eat well, my body thanks me with energy and good moods.  Why mess with it?  Sloth and gluttony just aren't my sins.

Those are all pretty kick ass new things about me.  But know what's better?  Next week, I'm gonna find out something else.  Fact is, I just get better on a daily basis.  So try to keep up, would ya?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Once A Runner...

Get ready, Readers.  Today marks the first day of Trifecta Training and as such, the first of many posts regarding my incredible gains as a runner.  If you're a runner, you're bound to find my itty bitty increment improvements interesting (notice the alliteration? I'm good.).  If you're not a should be.  It's awesome.  It's addicting.  And you have the added bonus of being able to race with me, because I am dying for some running buddies! 

What exactly am I training for, you ask?  The Runner's World Half Marathon and Festival in October, right in Bethlehem!  (I say "right in" because it takes me less than hour to get there, and when you live in a town without even a grocery store, that's "right in.")  They are offering not one, not two, but THREE RACES!  Now, of course you can sign up for just one or two...but that just seems like something I would not do...So I'm doing all three!  Saturday it's the 5k followed by the 10k and Sunday it's the half.  I am looking to bust my Rock N' Roll Half time (2:37) and really don't think I'll have a problem. 

I took an easy 20-minute treadmill run today, increasing incline to decrease boredom (I am more of an outside runner, but the treadmill is fab for days I can't get outside) and was impressed with myself.  I know, never happens, right?  Today it DID.  I didn't feel the need for a walk break at all.  This may sound like a small step to you, but it's a giant leap for me.  That Shaun T has turned this runner into a cardio MACHINE.  I had to repeatedly remind myself that today's schedule called for an easy run and it's perfectly okay to not want to keel over.  Add in that I'm technically in recovery week with Insanity and today felt pretty restful.  (Except that all of my challenge groups are participating in a low-to-high plank hourly challenge - 10 an hour - and I'm setting an example by doing it too...)

Rock N Roll
Anyway - I kept a 5.0 mph pace for my easy run.  Not Speedy Gonzales, but not Me From Last Summer either.  Not even Me From This Past Winter.  That used to be my top speed, not my easy peasy lemon squeezy pace.  I just busted through ANOTHER wall.  Thank you for your applause, but really - the roses aren't necessary.  (I prefer crowns and tiaras.)

The best part of today, though - feeling like ME.  The iron levels seem to be evening out - or maybe it's just the return to running.  I love it.  It totally gets me high on endorphins.  I can't wait for my outdoor early morning run tomorrow.  And I promise - I will remember every detail of every step my little Ghosts take (although they will soon be traded in and take their place on the closet floor next to my Frees, as their tread is all gone)...because I know you'll be waiting and anticipating, wondering and worrying.  Fear not, dear Readers!  We, friends, are BACK ON TRACK. 

And you're running with me, right?  Oh YAY!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Pounds

I still step on the scale nearly every morning.  Call it curiousity, call it habit.  I sometimes still feel that initial prick of irritation at the numbers' refusal to lower, but it's pretty easy to kick that downer to the curb.  And this is what I always want to tell people when they start their own fitness journeys.  STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE.  Picture me holding a tape measure instead of a badge and a camera instead of a gun.  Because really, those are far better measures of progress. 

Depending on your starting point, yes, I get it.  Pounds can be pretty important and an easy tracker.  They were for me, too.  I dropped over ten pounds in my first round of TurboFire.  Even better, I dropped from maternity clothes to a size 8.  Even better, my arms went from flab to FAB.  Even BETTER, I went from schlepping through life to racing through my goals. 

Which is good, because those numbers on the scale stopped dropping midway through ChaLEAN Extreme.  I got angry, frustrated.  Then I realized I was in a size 6.  Muscles were forming and they just take up less room than fat.  A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat - it just looks a hell of lot sexier and fits into far cuter clothing.  True story.

It's an ongoing battle with me - what is actually happening versus what I thought when I was younger and far less knowledgable (and also certain that I was immortal).  I was always concerned with poundage and convinced that was the ultimate key in what I was trying to achieve.  But I was also convinced that tanning was a "healthy look" and cigarettes had no effect on my skin, let alone the rest of my carcinogen-racked body.  Oh, to be young and stupid...No thanks. 

Luckily, my brain has settled into FitLife Truths and only requires a spanking every now and again.  I still have those moments of basking in the sun and thinking "I could get some good color today" before I give myself a little mental ear pulling and admonishing.  And I still have those moments when I read the numbers on the scale and put one foot over the edge of the Grand Panic Canyon.  You know that canyon; it's filled with things like the Atkins Diet, Thighmasters, and ShakeWeights.  I don't sightsee there anymore, though.  Which is good, because I'd be a fat and miserable bitch.

Me, 1/17/12
Me, 7/31/12
In my not-even-close-to-humble opinion, the two best ways to track your ACTUAL progress are photos in which you wear as little clothing as possible while still being able to share them with others and monitoring how you feel.  I am a HUGE proponent of the Before&After Pics.  They grant you amazing bragging rights and help keep you in check when you wanna go into that ScaleRemainsTheSame tailspin. 

Now the other - how you feel - is incredibly subjective, isn't it? But let me share this incredibly fascinating tidbit with you: I can bust through Insanity workouts in ways I couldn't just weeks ago.  No lie.  When I began this program, I wanted to vomit and had to take breaks with nearly every move.  The first time I did Pure Cardio and realized there are NO SCHEDULED BREAKS I thought I might die in a puddle of my own sweat and tears.

Today, I did EVERY SINGLE MOVE.  And I did the majority of them without ANY BREAK AT ALL.  Now that, friends, is progress.  Slice it any way you want, I am stronger today than I was four weeks ago.  I am stronger today than I was YESTERDAY.  Who the fuck cares how much I weigh?  Not this FitGal.  And if you do, I double dog dare you to tell me...

So yes, I'll grant you the pounds lost when you're just starting out.  But when the plateau hits - and it will - I will not pat your back or hand you a Kleenex.  I will roll my eyes and tell you to grab the tape measure, go shopping and try on a new size, and for the love of all that is sweaty (mmmm...Shaun T's chest....what were we talking about again?) - TAKE A PICTURE.  It's worth a thousand pounds.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Me, Myself, and I(ron)

Ah, anemia...just when I forget all about you, there you are, tugging at my ankles and weighing them down, laying your weight across my quads and my biceps, turning my shoulders and neck to lead.  I loathe you...

It's one of those on-again, off-again relationships, and I am so much happier and so much more me when it's off again.  I've been pretty religious about taking my iron supplements and eating more spinach than Popeye could fit in both biceps, but the last few days have seen me sliding ever-so-ungracefully out from beneath the covers and lurching through my day.  I wish I could say through my workouts, but today was my first sweat session in three days.  Just in case you're unaware, that's kind of unheard of around these parts.  This is a gal who likes to get her sweat on.

My plan had been to readjust to those pre-dawn workouts, pretty much my only guaranteed time to be all alone with Shaun T or grab an outdoor run.  My alarm goes off each day at 5:45; I immediately shut it off and commence staring at the ceiling, checking my Facebook notifications, and catching up on all those missed late-night talk shows I can no longer stay awake to watch.  I ponder reaching to my left and mixing my E&E to garner the required energy to simply start my day.  But it's too much most days.  And so I feel sad, a tad guilty, and still exhausted. 

The amount of sleep just doesn't matter.  I can sleep a little; I can sleep a lot.  I have become the Goldilocks of sleeping, but I still haven't found the "just right" amount when anemia slithers into bed.  If you've dealt with low iron, you know the feeling.  If you haven't, you're probably thinking, "She's just lazy."  And you can go right ahead and slap yourself in your smug little face, seeing as how my arm is too weary for me to do it.  This gal, right here, ain't lazy.  When it comes to putting laundry away (I have a strong aversion to returning anything to its rightful place) or retrieving the mail (all the way across the street? Why can't they just put it on my porch?), perhaps a tad.  But when we're talkin' workouts, running, lifting, sweating...I am anything BUT.  In fact, I push myself to make these sessions as tough as possible.  I live for this crap.  So anemia really pisses me the f#$k off.

Which is why today I forced myself to mix and drink that E&E and push through Cardio Power and Resistance.  I am so freaking amazing.  Not only did I manage to get through it, but I got through it with very few modifications.  I was a tad slower than usual, but I managed to eke out every move with proper form.  That's pretty balls-to-the-wall awesome, and I thank you for realizing that.  Could I have done it without E&E?  I really don't think so.  A slow walk would have been more my speed.  But with the E&E, anemia was my BITCH. 

So I vow that tomorrow morning, I will drink sooner and save Colbert, Stewart, and Handler for laundry sorting time (that's when I cart the clean clothes to my bedroom, spread them over my bed, and then sit down and watch tv and marvel at how quickly I have run out of time to actually sort the laundry).  That just leaves the question...who's workin' out with me tomorrow morning????

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Maintaining the Temple

If only...
So we've covered workouts, nutrition, and sleep (or incredible lack thereof).  Now let's talk about DOCTORS.

You kinda need a whole team of them to keep the body tickin' and your health in check, but I prefer to think of my various doctors as my entourage, their white coats blowing back as they walk slow motion toward me, clipboards in hand, crocs ready for some asskicking if that's what's necessary to keep my temple fit.  Although actually, my OBGYN wears some killer heels.  That lady's got serious style, which is nice because I'd prefer to focus on her fabulous leopard print stillettos than what's actually happening on that table.

I've been linin' up the appointments and knockin' 'em down, just like my goals.  Yes, I know they can be a pain the scheduling ass, whether you're concerned with missed office time or finding a place to stow several unruly children.  But you know you have to do it.  In the past month I have visited the following:

Someday, this will be my corneal flap.
My eye doctor.  I love him unnaturally.  He takes care of my peepers and also chats with me about my running while firmly reminding me that I am not meant to sleep in my contacts and threatening me with glasses.  (You may not have guessed it, but I am quite vain.  I don't like glasses and I am convinced they don't like me either.)  What does this appointment have to do with fitness, aside from the obvious? 

Well, I detest wearing glasses during any sweaty activity.  They slip, they slide, they hinder my wiping-away-of-the-sweat.  Also, if I am wearing glasses, that likely means I've got an eye infection of some sort.  Which means my eye(s) hurt.  Which means I'm cranky (and when you add in the irritation of being a four-eyed mama, the situation is not good for anyone in the vicinity).  So take care of your eyes, be they 20/20 blessings from the gods or bespectacled little windows to your soul.  I am being extra special vigilant, as I am planning for LASIK within the next year.  Cross all your fingers and toes for me, even the little ones.  I long to join the non-corrective-lense-wearing crowd.   I heard that's where the cool kids are.

Next on my list?  The gynocologist.  WARNING! FEMALE TALK ALERT!  I may use terms like "period" or "tampon" in the near future, so you men may want to avert your eyes.  This is my least  my absolute favorite appointment all rolled into one.  I hate the actual procedures, but I do so adore my doctor.  She is witty, sarcastic, and as previously stated, has great shoes.  Never seen the same pair twice.  We discussed my incredible fitness level, how awesome I am for completing my first marathon and Spartan race, and how absolutely adorable my children are (she really gets me).  Then we discussed Hunter S. Thompson (I was reading Gonzo while waiting) and hey - all done!  Time flies when you've got great convo, even when wearing nothing but a paper gown with your knees next to your ears.  Check that off the list till next year!

Now THAT's a pillow.
Yesterday was my very first visit to the dermatologist.  As a transparently skinned person, I should have been going long before now just for checkups.  Skin cancer is rather serious business and I've got the pale skin worth worrying about.  But I waited until I had an issue - a small little painful something-or-other on my left ear that just wouldn't heal up and go away...for a year.  Naturally, about a month ago I read an article on skin cancer in Oxygen magazine and began tweaking out.  Yesterday, as I chased the babe around the waiting room I got choked up imagining a time I wouldn't be able to extricate him from the other families he continually tried to join (I suppose we have lost our luster), and by the time the doctor walked into the exam room I was ready for the worst.

I sleep on my left ear too much.  I need to stop that.  True story.  A special pillow with an ear hole will be necessary if I can't sleep on my right side or my back.  Shot of cortisone and a follow up appointment in six weeks to be sure that I am, indeed, not sleeping on my left side is also required. 

Neither attractive nor fit.
HOWEVER - I did learn my lesson.  I have upped my sunblock and banished those inane voices from my youth that refuse to accept that tanning is bad and awful and unnecessary.  And I will be adding in an overall skin checkup to my yearly arsenal of appointments. 

All that's left is the podiatrist (my runner's feet need a bit of shock treatment before I subject them to distance training again), the regular ol' family doc, and (yes, that is fear entering my nearsighted eyes) the dentist.  I am overdue for a routine physical (and feeling quite cocky about it.  I mean, come on.) and for my biyearly cleaning (a FitGal's gotta have sparkle in her smile).  But I'm going to make those appointments because I'm all about being a well rounded (and firmly muscled) FitGal.  I wouldn't skimp on my children's healthcare, and I have recently come to realize that my care is equally important. 

Plus, each appointment garners me at least an hour or two of uninterrupted reading, Facebook, or Zynga time.  Stick a nonalcoholic frozen pina colada in my hand and that's a vacation right there.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bring Me A Dream...

I workout.  I eat (mostly) right.  I slather on my sunblock, buckle my seatbelt, and take the occasional mental health day far from people under voting age.  I'm an all-around, even keel kinda FitGal. 

Except for sleeping.

I should be doing it right now.  Yes, I am perfectly aware that it is bright and sunshiny and lunchtime.  It's also the babe's naptime; we were at HersheyPark all day yesterday; we did not arrive home until after midnight and I did not crash into slumber until after 2 a.m.  Oh - and that precious, darling, oh-so-bushytailed little bundle of JOY was up at 7:30.  It sucked, but I was already planning on catching up at naptime.

So what the hell is my problem, you ask?  I don't even freakin' know.  I have been drooling over this naptime all morning.  Chores have gotten about as much attention as the latest rerun of Yes, Dear and I even bypassed my usual morning coffee for fear the caffeine would hinder my shut-eye abilities.  I fed one kid Kashi GoLean with rice milk and the other Jolly Ranchers.  I ate two Doritos and a whole wheat cranberry bagel with peanut butter (so not a good combo).  I was - and still am - exhausted. 

I had it all set...the babe is napping in my bed, because he takes longer naps there.  I've got a good five previously viewed episodes of Cajun Justice all queued up, because there's something about that show that both interests and soothes me.  (Only The Golden Girls and Everybody Loves Raymond can compete for lullabies.)  The iPhone is set to silent and plugged into the dock.  The older monkeys are quietly absorbed in Barbies and Legos.  Just typing this makes my eyelids droop and my mouth drop open in a yawn.

Then I snuggle in next to the babe and my mind says things like, "Hey, did you let the dogs out? How was that workout you didn't do? Don't forget - you have a doctor's appointment this afternoon at an office you've never visited, you have to talk all three kids along, and you typically run late. Better not oversleep."

My mind is a bitch.  I tried reading.  I tried Words With Friends.  I tried imagining doing laundry and the dishes.  (Sometimes, just thinking about the energy required to do household chores has a Benadryl-like effect on my body.)  But my mind won't quit. 

And - I know I'm not alone here - I am always skimping on the sleep.  There is always one more chore to do, a few more minutes of a rescheduled workout to sweat through, one more chapter to read, one more episode to watch.  It seems women particularly are hardwired to keep pushing through, no matter the detriment to our bodies.  And here's the breakdown:

Lack of sleep can lead to an increased chance of heart disease/attack/failure, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes.  It can slaughter your sex drive, make you look old, and deplete any remaining intelligence your children haven't already stolen.  Know what else?  Makes you fat. 

So all those late night workouts to make up for the missed morning sessions?  All those extra few moments preparing the next day's healthy meals traded for a few more moments of sleep?  Gonna be all for naught if you never actually SLEEP.  Plus, think about your eating habits when you're tired.  Might I remind you of my Dorito and bagel coupling mentioned above?  Point made.

So for the love of all that is Fit and Holy - GET SOME FREAKIN' SLEEP.  Figure out how to shut that nagging crone up (refraining from making sarcastic remarks about anyone I actually know because of course I'm simply referring to that inner voice...) and start making regular appearances in Dreamland, Neverland, WhereEVERland...Just close your eyes and snore.  Well, maybe not snore because that can be a sign of all sorts of issues, too.  But I'm too tired to write about those right now.

Oh - and might I add that lack of sleep turns this Queen into more of a Wicked Witch?  My family will attest to that.  They'll attest quickly and adamently and repeatedly.  We have all learned from past tirades and meltdowns - mine, not the children's - that I must issue the warning of "I am hungry and/or tired" in a relatively calm yet firm tone and that this warning must be immediately followed by everyone kissing my ass and providing me with food and/or a pillow.  Even FitGals run into walls from time to time; the key is allowing yourself to slide back down instead of rallying to climb over.

Trust me.  There will be more walls tomorrow.

Friday, August 3, 2012

My Bucket Runneth Over

Everyone's always talking, pinning, writing about their Bucket Lists.  I think I even made one myself after I saw the movie, but can't remember much of what went on it.  I vaguely recall returns to skydiving, New Orleans, and Savannah - but there had to be more to it than that, right?  I mean, where's the marathons?  The mud races? OH, RIGHT.  That was way back before my FitLife.  Looks like it's time for a revamp. 

So what's my Bucket List look like now?  Full to overflowing, I'd say.

1.  Complete the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in DisneyWorld, dressed in full costume.  Because I love that little smartass fairy.
2.  Complete the ToughMudder and the Spartan without doing any burpees, because I hate those little smartass moves.
3.  Try my hand at freelancing, because people love reading my smartass blog posts.
4.  Get my certifications in order and create a fitness empire.  (I'm done with the smartass theme now.)
5.  Turn Hubby into a fitness-lovin' machine.  I know he's got it in him somewhere.
6.  Run a 5k with my kids.  Not stroll through downtown Philly or Bethlehem, but actually run.  Without complaints.  Or whining.  Okay, this may be the most difficult item to cross off my list.
7.  Go white water rafting.
8.  Learn to ski properly and perhaps even give snowboarding a go.
9.  Take some fitness classes - hot yoga, martial arts, you name it, I wanna do it.
10.  Corral these lovely little posts into coherent essays and put 'em in a book.

And that's just a TASTE of my goals.  I sat down to write this list and thought, "What would I try if I knew I couldn't fail?"  Here's ten things.  And every one of 'em gets my blood pumpin' and my adrenal glands goin'.  Why?  Because they all involve some form of fitness - whether its mental or physical.  A year ago, I wouldn't have imagined I would be able to do the things I now do on a daily basis.  So I'm learning that there's no reason to limit myself.  What fun are limitations anyway?

The down-and-dirty of it is a simple daily to-do list.  Pick one of these, break it down into little itty bitty goals, and suddenly - the scary is not to be found.  The impossible has turned into I AM POSSIBLE.  (Would you like some cheese on your blog today? Why, yes, thank you!)  Sometimes, the focus is lacking.  I'm the first to admit day-to-day can muscle in on the lofty dreams of even this most dedicated FitGal.  I can blame the kids, the pets, the anemia, the house...but really, at the center of the blame game, it's just me.  I choose how to allot the majority of my time (some things can't be helped, like ER trips for splinters in a werewolf's butt - true and funny story, but for another time).  So if my dreams aren't getting closer, that's on me. 

I started this blog back in February, I believe.  That first post was frightening.  Putting it out there with the assumption that people would want to read anything I wrote seemed cocky, plus what if it wasn't good, wasn't entertaining?  I know.  I'm laughing at my February Self, too.  OF COURSE it was good.  OF COURSE it was entertaining.  That's why we're still here together, right?  Because I just get wittier and more motivating EVERY SINGLE DAY.  What's my point, you ask?  (As if I needed one.  It's my blog, after all.  Sheesh.)  My point is this: you forge past the intimidating and accomplish one goal, suddenly the others don't seem so far out of reach.  In fact, they downright look like nosy next-door neighbors peering in your front windows, they're so close. 

Invite 'em in, take the scary out.  They may be crazy, sure, but that's half the fun.  And I so don't want to be lying on my bed at age 99 wondering what else I could have done.  I want to be too busy pushing through to notice that my face was just plastered on the Morning Show for making it 100.