The alcohol - problem. See, I totally forgot that I haven't had a drink since...well...it's been a really long time. I don't typically indulge at home or when we go out to dinner (which is a fairly infrequent occurrence in and of itself), nor do I join in every time we head out to a gathering. It's just not my "thing" anymore. But on this occasion, Hubby was nice enough to grab me two bottles of Skinny Girl in brand new flavors - and that stuff doesn't even taste like alcohol.
But it is.

I felt great for about an hour...and then AWFUL for the next twenty-four. I know everyone praying to the porcelain gods makes the same promise, but I can swear to you now on my new Adidas TR 170's...NEVER AGAIN.
I spent a good deal of yesterday in recovery mode. Missed my scheduled fit test. Barely left the bed. Drank a Dr. Pepper. And it got me thinking very seriously about how I had just treated the body I typically handle with such care. I mean, what had I gained from this?
The answer was clear: absolutely nothing. I would have had a fabulous time anyway, and I would have had it longer. I would have completed my fit test on schedule (instead of having to double up my workouts today). I would have gotten lots of chores out of the way, done my weekly food prep, and spent more quality time with the monkeys. No drink tastes so good that I would trade all of that.
So this once hard-partyin', holdin'-her-liquor Queen isn't goin' soft. No...I'm just adding another segment in my FitLife. Turns out, I am so careful about what I put into my body on a regular basis that it just can't tolerate when I throw it a curve ball.
But guess what? I actually feel really great about that. I don't drink enough to miss it, nor do I need that crutch in a social situation. So I'm good. I'm sure I'll face some backlash here and there. But I hit that at every step, I've found. Some were irritated by my zest for exercise. Then it was the lean diet. Now the vegetarianism. Soon, it'll be my alcohol-free state.
Screw 'em. I am solid in my decision and I know my body will thank me.
Besides, I find life so more fun when my face isn't hanging over toilet water. Don't you?
I haven't touched alcohol since October of 2011. And honestly I don't miss it. So I figure why tempt fate! Thank you for once again educating me and allowing me to learn from you!
ReplyDeleteAnd--for the record....I WONDERED WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU YESTERDAY!!! I got zero encouragement from you on my fit test. I almost felt slighted. Now I know the truth....skinny girl WHOOPED YOUR A$$!!!!
True story! I felt awful not logging in and doling out CHF's...but I felt even more awful when I moved. Never again and not lookin' back! There's bigger and better things ahead!
ReplyDeleteLesson learned. :) Thanks for sharing your defeat to teach us! Wise are you Yoda.
ReplyDeleteAlways better things ahead. Ya know, a friend was trying to get me to drink it up a few days ago. And boy, would I LOVE to drink it up and act a fool (maybe someday....I may need to learn the hard way....) But I am on this natural high now from my energy, my self esteem, my self worth. I don't need that to fuel me anymore. I have so much more confindence that alcohol could NEVER give me. And its constant. All day. Every day. Not a few hours at night with punishment the next morning.
EXACTLY!!!! Very well said!