I was feeling ravenous from all those crazy Insanity workouts. The kids were in bed, so I could eat whatever I chose without having to hide in a dark closet somewhere for fear of sharing. (Don't act like you haven't learned to open candy wrappers with nary a crinkle.) There were even full-sized Hershey bars sitting in the freezer (had to replenish the previously depleted supply).
I chose salad. And it was good.

I have not a freakin' clue. I just don't know. The switch flipped AGAIN. How many switches can one FitGal possibly have? First the workout switch. Then the Shakeology switch and the vegetarian switch and the nonalcoholic switch. Now a salad-over-junk-food switch??? Sometimes, I just have to shake my head in wonderment at how far I've come and how much my awesomeness increases every day.
I was just describing this very scenario in a message with a friend who is on her own fitness journey. She was, in her own words, "tooting her own horn" but then almost apologizing for doing so, perhaps, I believe, worried I may find her boastful. Um...hello? I reminded her that she was indeed speaking the Master Tooter, the Queen of Tooting, the Tooter of all Tooters...and so no need to backtrack on her own toots.

And it's bound to get worse, because I gotta add in some more beans to make up for the protein I'm not getting from meat. I'm back on dairy for now, until I sit down and research that part too. Mainly because I just feel better when I don't eat dairy, but right now, it's a convenient source of protein for me. But the beans are still necessary, and I really do love 'em. They fill me up, give me energy, and - most importantly - they're quite delicious...and good for your heart...*snort*chuckle*snort*
So I ain't ashamed to toot my horn. Which is good, because sometimes, I just can't help myself, no matter how hard I may try. Consider this fair warning: meet me outdoors and stand downwind until my body adapts to the new diet. It'll adapt, just like my tastebuds adapted. Till then, I'll consider it a trumpet of triumph over my previous malnourished ways.
I toot my horn at least once daily. Both in the metaphorical sense and the literal sense. Just sayin.