My earliest workout memory involves shiny spandex and high ponytails and muscles of steel. Before I stood before my mirror to tease my bangs, scrunch my permed hair, or tuck-and-roll my stonewashed jeans, I crunched and squeezed with Tamilee Webb. I longed to have her flat little tummy and tight little tush. Alas, our mornings together, though beginning with much gusto, became infrequent and eventually nonexistent. We never had an official breakup; there was simply a time when I no longer loaded that VHS tape nor packed it for my move to college.
The same was true for my thighmaster (yes, I had one). I saw that commercial and thought, "How easy! I can watch TV and let my eyes glaze over while I create the perfect thighs!" Damn you, Chrissy Snow, for creating such high hopes. I cannot imagine how many squeezes one must do each day to attain those slender thighs, but I do know it was far more than I ever did. Another advertising dream dashed, I stuffed the thighmaster under my daybed with my cassette tapes, never to be used again.
Things improved slightly in college. I gained a fitness buddy and we developed a slight obsession with Kathy Ireland and everything she hawked in KMart. (Did I mention that said university was located in rural PA and KMart was the closest approximation to a mall in our vicinity?) We hopped through grapevines, pulsed through leg raises, and reached through stretches. Kathy travelled with me to my first post-college home, but when I discovered gym life and a DVD player, she no longer made the cut. Although, now that she is selling furniture, I find myself wanting once again to buy from her. I suppose those fond memories of awkward toe taps and low-budget filming will always leave me with a soft spot for her.

So, once again, I advise you to figure out YOUR soulmate workout. Do classes motivate you? Do you like the face time with a live instructor? Do you need to squeeze your workouts into an already crazy schedule? Do you wanna dance/lift/kick/punch/stretch? Ask yourself - what is the most fun I've ever had doing a physical activity (hey! perverts!)? THAT is your soulmate workout. Still unsure? Contact me. I'll tell you what to do. Because I enjoy being bossy like that.!/queensweat
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