Ah, summertime! Sunshine, swimming, outdoor workouts...and fresh roadside produce! I love that I can drive a mere ten minutes to do such a big portion of our grocery shopping instead of my typical half an hour. This is one time of year when it pays to live in rural Pennsylvania.

I was tremendously excited at the prospect of a new market on the market - even closer than the one I typically frequent. So the Bear and I hopped into the van and scooted over - to find merchandise and extremely minimal produce. We were sorely disappointed but not about to abandon our cravings for fresh and local. Off to Jersey! (And that's not something we often say with enthusiasm around these parts.)

But Marshall's Farm Market is reason for excitement! They have a beautiful little setup and incredibly tasty and bountiful selections to satisfy those wanting to shop out of doors. We found piles of juicy red tomatoes; bushels of multi-colored apples; bags of plump cherries; baskets of ripe blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. Hello, heaven! Everything is reasonably priced, organized, clean, and incredibly fresh. Not a mushy apple or tomato to be found. There was no searching for an unbruised piece of fruit or a not-overly-ripe vegetable. All we had to do was reach out our hands and grab. Perfection.

Aside from the fantastic produce selection, they also sell various homemade items (we plan on returning special for those and will report upon tasting). The Bear snagged an enormous pickle during our checkout and I have got to say, after sampling one teeny and one Jaws-size bite, that's the best freakin' pickle I have ever tasted. Including PA Renaissance Faire pickles. (I am an expert in all things on-a-stick. Trust me on this.)

To top off our very pleasurable outdoor shopping experience, the customer service was outstanding. Smiles, pleasant exchanges, even a chuckle. Which is nice after so many vacant stares in checkout lines or overheard conversations of breaktimes and leave times (always anxiously looked forward to as each cashier is always overwhelmed with the idiots in their lines...Ummm...hello?). Side note: I have always had impeccable customer service at Wegmans as well. That is my indoor food shopping heaven.
So please! Keep this stand profitable! I do so want it to always be there, so close and so fabulous. Meet us there this fall for the awesome Halloween setup (which includes free cider doughnuts and warm cider with the hayride *eyesrollingbackinheadwithecstasy*). Or meet us there next weekend for more produce browsing and buying!
Plus - now I'm even more ready for my run outside! That sunshine is addicting and my day started off with plenty of Fit-Life-livin' moments: Hubby mixed up our Shakeology this morning (delectable as always!); did 200 squats to challenge my KickOffSummer Challengers; shopped the local produce stand and came away with good eats. Look out, folks! This chick is on a roll!
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