First step: mix up some E&E. On my far-too-early-to-be-sane running mornings, when I can barely open my eyes, this is my go-to. I sip as I watch the morning news and suddenly go from justifying why bed is better to MUSTRUNNOW. And it works just as well on a rainy late morning, even if Bethenny Ever After is waiting on my queue. I am sipping it now, and my fingers are racing to be done with the blog so I can get groovin' with Chalene and TurboFire.
Second step: read my own freakin' blog. It reminds me not only of why I am doing this, it makes me WANT to do this. I seriously inspire myself. Call it conceit if you want, but then I might call you jealous. I think it's better when we all just choose to love me and sweat it out together.
Third step: PRESS PLAY. Once I hear the Turbo music, my butt gets a mind of its own. It starts shakin' and movin' to the beat, dragging my well-muscled arms along for the ride. How did I live life before running and TurboFire??? I don't know how I went so long, but I know for sure I ain't goin' back! Increased energy, drive, focus...It's all taking up residence on a permanent basis. I bought TurboFire as a means to lose my baby weight. Turns out it was a means to losing an unhealthy life and a catapault to an entirely new world. I had no idea that THIS body could do THOSE moves and LOVE IT.
Once I'm done, I may have more words of wisdom to offer you. Or I may be too busy following TF up with a leg workout. Probably the best thing for you to do is join me. Grab some sweat bands. (Yes, I use them. I don't care if I look like an 80's gym flashback. This chick sweats like a pig.) Grab some weighted gloves. Grab two or three bottles of water (because I care about your hydration, and you should, too). Meet me at the Beachbody gym and let's GET IT DONE. (E&E makes me type in ALL CAPS too.)
You can be sore tomorrow, or you can be sorry tomorrow. Every day, it's a choice. You give me excuses, I stick my fingers in my ears and yell "BLAHBLAHBLAH." I don't speak weenie. I don't accept it from myself, and I know you're just as dedicated and strong as me.
So drop and give me twenty. (Or fifteen. I can do fifteen pretty good ones. Next week, we'll be up to twenty.)
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