So, you may have noticed (or you may not have, but let's pretend you've been biting your nails with worry) that I haven't been posting for a few days. The reasons are GOOD. This fitness-lovin' gal has been busier than the proverbial bee. I woke up to seven emails this morning, each one related to fitness and my Push goals for this year. Now THAT is what I am talkin' ABOUT.

Anyway - my Push goals for the year included running marathons (the first is 12 days away!), contributing financially to my family (Beachbody coach), getting back into fitness as either a trainer or an instructor (I'll get to that in a moment!), and taking a vacation with Hubby sans kids (no true vacation planned yet, but we do have a full four days to ourselves at the end of this month). It's all about the reverse engineering and planning out the daily steps to get the end result. You're aware of my daily training, my weekly lengthy runs, my love of Beachbody. And I'm about to make you aware of my need to teach.
In the years BC (Before Children), I was both a step aerobics instructor and a personal trainer. I seriously loved my job. I was paid to work out and share my love of fitness with others while they paid lots of attention to me. Plus, there are mirrors literally EVERYWHERE in any gym, so I could pay lots of attention to me. Everyone benefited. I was an excellent and passionate trainer and instructor. Clients were sad to see me go, but alas, I was moving back to my hometown and soon started baby production. I didn't leave fitness behind, but I did turn my back on being the face of it for anyone aside from myself.
Lucky you! Those days have passed! Not only can you read my blog, follow me on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram - now I am available as a Trained QiDANCE Instructor! I have my Foundation course under my belt and a meeting with a local aerboics studio on Friday to discuss gettin' this booty back to the front of the class. ANOTHER GOAL is about to be knocked on its ass. My awesomeness is beginning to amaze even me.
Now you're likely excited and can't wait to sign up and work out with me, but I bet you're also thinking, "What the hell is QiDANCE?"'s awesome, too. Think sexy dances, incredible music, and (as of Sunday) me as an instructor. I love it for the same reasons I love TurboFire: it's a program that can be modified to the level of the participant, it's got serious booty movin' music, and it's incredibly FUN. During the master class (about 1 hour long), I actually had such a kickass time that I was in shock when the end came. No way that was an hour! And now I have somewhere to put my enthusiasm! I can physically interact with people! WOOT!
And guess what? When you reach one goal, you immediately feel not only capable but EXCITED to get to the next one. Everything just starts falling into place. Just this week, I have been contacted about Shakeology, TurboFire, ChaLEAN Extreme, and teaching classes. I am still looking into that Exercise Science major. And I'm researching various personal training certifications. So I got that goin' for me. Oh - and the bikini will be mine before the week is over. That is some good stuff, right there.
What's on your plate this week? Start a new program? Eat more healthfully? Read my blog and share it with your friends? Tell me! I wanna hear how fabulous you are, too!
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