You can stop pacing and biting those fingernails now. I am finally posting more photos for my 30-Day Fit Photo Challenge! That's right, you can breathe easy now. The moment is here, my friend.
Day 12: Sweat |
Now, where did I leave off? I actually just had to go back and check...and HOLY CRAP! I've got some major catching up to do! The last you knew it was Day poor things! You must've worried so about days 12 through 23. Well, here you go. A nice warm bowl of FitPhotos to start your day!
Day 12: Sweat! And boy, did I! All the way through Plyometric Cardio Circuit, and all over my brand spankin' new Beachbody tshirt. Decide, Commit, Succeed. My mantra!
Day 13: Inspired By |
Day 13: Inspired By. I am inspired by Chalene Johnson, over and over and over again. The woman is a teeny tiny powerhouse in all facets of life. If you follow me at all, you are already aware of my extreme fitness crush on Chalene. She's strong, not skinny. She's motivating, not annoying. She's relentless, not obnoxious. Plus the woman has an incredible shoe collection.
Day 14: YUM! |
Day 14: Yum! Shakeology. Plain and simple. I love the flavor, I love the way it makes my body feel, I love its convenience and versatility. You should buy it. Today.
Day 15: Got Muscle? |
Day 15: Got Muscle? Shit yeah, I do! This is my "before" pic for the Let's Go Crazy! Insanity Challenge Group. I am expecting bigger and better guns in the coming weeks, so be prepared for intense bragging and posturing.
Day 16: Love This Workout. Did I really need to tell you? I don't think so...
Day 16: Love This Workout |
Day 17: On My Way |
Day 17: On My Way...Dug out an old "before" pic just for comparison's sake. This was taken on 1/17 of this year. I don't even need to look at a present photo to know that I am indeed ON MY WAY. I could check the clothes I'm wearing - all smaller sizes. Or the donation bag I just tossed those pants in two days ago. Or the garbage can that sports bra went into a week ago. But like I said, no need. I know I am ON MY WAY.
Day 18: Fitness Friend. My fitness friend is the Hubster. He is my cheerleader and partner during training and events and my caretaker after. His support has given me the foundation and the room to come this far...and will push me to new levels in the future.
Day 19: My Reward. MEDALS! RECOGNITION! BRAGGING RIGHTS! All good stuff.
Day 19: My Reward |
Day 20: My Gym (for now)...I still have great visions of my garage-turned-gym-haven, but until then...this is where the magic happens.
Day 21: Abs. They fluctuate, sure, but they're still miles better than this time last year. Or even earlier this year...(Refer to Day 17)
Day 22: Breakfast. Another Shakeology shout-out. My breakfast is the same 99% of the time - Shakeology and black coffee. Suprisingly, I am totally cool with that.

Day 23: No Longer Need. I have progressed beyond the five pounders and shrunken below the mediums. And who needs a scale when you've got new clothes to prove your smaller, fitter size? Gimme a tape measure and a bikini over a scale any day! (Ironically, I actually weigh more now than I did at the start of this challenge, but I am smaller. Must be all those new muscles.)
So there you have it! Only a week left to go. Wanna know what challenge I've got lined up for next month? Go to my SweatItOut fan page on Facebook and find out! Join us, even! Because you too can be awesome.
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